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Photo news

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“MOOD” in Darkhan

[:en] The "Mood" project team has partnered with the Darkhan-Uul Province to promote positive lifestyle changes through a series of engaging

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The history and culture of Darkhan: past, present, and future are being discussed at the academic conference.

The academic conference "History and Culture of Darkhan: Past, Present, and Future" has been jointly organized by the Institute of

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Darkhan is hosting a competition to evaluate the preparedness of its emergency response center for disasters.

  The "Darkhan Taizh Hasar's Certified Disaster Response Center Inspection Competition" is being held in Darkhan city for the second consecutive

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The grass and feed of the county reserve will be provided to herders at a price prepared last fall

[:en] Every year, the General Agency for Specialized Inspection of Mongolia delivers food and meat for disaster relief to aimags and

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280 athletes are participating in the national boxing competition for amateur boxers.

  280 athletes from various regions are participating in the national boxing competition held at the Darkhan-Uul Aimag Sports Palace, which

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Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт ба хөрсний тогтвортой менежмент олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурал болж байна

  Байгаль орчны яам, ХААИС-ийн салбар, Агроэкологи, бизнесийн сургууль “Хөрс амьдрах орчин” НҮТББ, “Монголын эмэгтэй инженерүүдийн, технологичид, эрдэмтэд” ТББ хамтран бага