Хүртээмжийн тохиргоо

  • Өндөр ялгаралтай
  • Заагчийн хэмжээ томруулах
  • Үсгийн хэмжээ томруулах
  • Мөр хоорондын зай нэмэх
  • Үсэг хоорондын зай нэмэх

The grass and feed of the county reserve will be provided to herders at a price prepared last fall

63 үзсэн


Every year, the General Agency for Specialized Inspection of Mongolia delivers food and meat for disaster relief to aimags and soums. This year, in Darkhan-Uul aimag, 100 tons of flour and 50 tons of meat were distributed as part of the government’s relief efforts.

Each of the Darkhan, Orkhon, Khongor, and Sharyn Gol soums received 50 tons of flour and 25 tons of meat, distributed in the previous and current months to provide assistance to the local herders. The surplus of flour and meat available in the aimag is being sold to the public through the aimag’s Agricultural Cooperative at a negotiated price.

As a result, individuals can purchase one bag of flour for 8,350 tugriks and one kilogram of meat for 19,000 tugriks. Requests for flour and meat procurement have been sent to the aimag’s Consumer and Marketing Agency to be fulfilled.

On April 8, 2024, from 09:00 to 18:00, flour and meat distribution activities will be conducted at the property yard located at 15th district of Darkhan city and at the property yard of Oeg Guriil LLC. People can bring their relief vouchers and purchase flour and meat. The aimag has allocated funds to procure 4,300 bags of flour and 50,000 kilograms of meat from the relief fund.