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State Department digital transparency assessment begins

31 үзсэн


In its 10th year, the IRIM Research Institute began research on the “Electronic Transparency Index-2021 of State Organizations,” which is traditionally held within the framework of corporate social responsibility.


The purpose of the study is to evaluate the transparency and openness of public affairs to citizens and the public, to evaluate the availability of legally authorized information for citizens and lawyers, and to develop recommendations to improve the digital transparency of public institutions based on the results.The transaction evaluates whether there is a place for public information that is essential to openness and transparency, as outlined in the “Law on Information Transparency and the Right to Information” and the “Law on Accounts.” For this year, a total of 87 state-owned enterprises are scheduled to cover the official digital coverage.


Additionally, it is unique in its intention to clarify whether it is ready to provide access to the law in connection with the upcoming discussion of the “Law on Information,” a revised legal project that provides access to information.