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Procedures for evaluating the performance of employees

27 үзсэн

Government No. 218 of 2020
annex to the resolution



One. Common ground

1.1. The purpose of this regulation is to regulate relationships related to the development and verification of performance plans (hereinafter referred to as “plans”) for full-time government employees, reporting on the implementation of the plans, and evaluating the performance results and qualification levels of the employees.

1.2. The principles of evidence-based, fair and transparent shall be followed when evaluating the performance results and qualification level of a full-time civil servant.

1.3. The following terms used in this regulation shall have the following meanings:

1.3.1. “Executive plan” means a plan of goals and measures to be implemented within one year by a full-time civil servant in accordance with this regulation, developed in accordance with the organization’s and unit’s plan in accordance with his/her position description;

1.3.2. “performance goals and measures” means measures to express the performance results of a full-time government employee, and to perform the measures within the scope of his duties, organization, unit’s goals and objectives;

1.3.3. “criterion” means the indicator to determine whether the planned performance goals and measures of the official government employee have been fulfilled;

1.3.4. “achievement level” means the result expected to be achieved by the end of the planned period, which is included in the performance plan of the civil servant;

1.3.5. “Knowledge and ability” means the knowledge, skills, experience, and attitudes required to perform the official duties of the civil servant.

Two. Plan development and approval

2.1. The plan of a full-time civil servant (hereinafter referred to as “civil servant”) is based on the performance plan of the organizational unit and is coordinated with the employee’s job description. The performance plan of the head of the unit consists of two parts: the plan of the organizational unit and the objectives and measures for improving the knowledge.

2.2. The employee’s plan consists of two parts: the employee’s performance goals and knowledge improvement goals, and they have the following sections: implementation measures, measurement criteria, achievement levels, and start and end dates.

2.3. The head of the unit shall review whether the employee’s plan is in line with the organization’s or unit’s plan and his job description, and shall approve it by January 10.

2.4. For organizations without organizational units, the employee plan will be reviewed and approved by the direct budget manager.

2.5. An employee of a vertically managed organization in Suman shall approve the execution plan by the head of the Governor’s Office at that level and the direct budget manager under his jurisdiction.

2.6. After the approval of the plan, the plan may be amended if the employee performs additional functions according to the current requirements, or if the job description of the employee changes. Additional tasks and duties will be implemented according to the plan’s performance objectives, and amendments and changes are an integral part of the plan.

2.7. When the plan is signed and stamped by the officer or head of the unit, it is considered approved.

2.8. If the official is temporarily exempted from public service, released or fired, the fulfillment of the plan will be evaluated and terminated.

Three. Implementation of the plan
reporting and verification

3.1. The official shall confirm the fulfillment of the plan with his signature and report according to the approved model for half and full year.

3.2. The official shall report on the fulfillment of the plan by June 15th for the half year and by December 15th at the end of the year.

3.3. The head of the unit will conduct an interview on the progress of the 1st and 3rd quarter of the implementation of the employee’s plan within April and October 5.

3.4. The head of the unit (if there is no organizational unit, the direct manager of the budget of the organization) reviews and evaluates the report on the implementation of the employee’s plan, interviews and signs it with a real government employee.

3.5. If the head of the unit does not evaluate and confirm the fulfillment of the employee’s plan within the time specified in this regulation, the head of the unit may file a complaint with the higher level organization or official.

3.6. The official will regularly present the implementation of the plan to the head of the unit (if there is no organizational unit, the direct manager of the budget of the organization) and receive appropriate support and direction.

Four. The performance and results of the employee’s work,
assess the level of expertise

4.1. The organizational assessment team will be formed by the decision of the direct budget manager and will be formed by the representatives of the management officers of the organizational units and the human resources personnel within June and December of each year. If the organization does not have an organizational unit, the organizational evaluation team is not required, and the work of the organizational evaluation team specified in this regulation will be performed by the direct budget administrator.

4.2. The assessment of knowledge, attitude, ethics and skills, which is an attachment to the performance plan of the head of the unit, is confirmed by the evaluation sheet approved by the order of the direct manager of the budget and the head of the Cabinet Secretariat, and is attached to the employee’s personal file.

4.3. The head of the unit will review the employee’s performance report and give a grade of “A or Excellent”, “B or Good”, “C or Satisfactory”, “D or Improvement Needed”, and “F or Insufficient”.

4.4. The head of the unit shall submit the certified report of the first half of the employee plan by June 17, and the certified report of the last half year by December 17 to the organization evaluation team.

4.5. When evaluating the report of an employee of a vertically managed organization in Suman, it will be evaluated by the management of the higher-level organization under the supervision of the head of the Governor’s Office at that level.

4.6. In the event that a discrepancy is found in the evaluation of the employee’s performance report reviewed by the head of the unit, the evaluation team of the Organization has the right to demand verified reasons and evidence from the head of the unit, and the head of the unit shall present the reasons and evidence to the evaluation team.

4.7. The evaluation team of the organization shall confirm the evaluation of the employee’s performance by June 20, and the evaluation of the last half-year by December 20.

4.8. If a full-time civil servant is appointed to a position with less than 3 months remaining before the end of the period for evaluating the fulfillment of the plan, the work performed during that period can be summarized in the next evaluation period.

4.9. The performance, results, and qualification level of a full-time civil servant shall be defined and evaluated as follows:

4.9.1. the fulfillment of performance goals and measures is calculated from the measures and additional work results included in the employee’s performance plan with up to 70 points;

4.9.2. up to 15 points based on the assessment of knowledge and the achievement of goals and measures to improve knowledge and skills;

4.9.3. with up to 15 points for attitude, ethics, skills assessment and teamwork (service attitude).

4.10. The performance, results, and qualification level of the head of the unit shall be determined and evaluated as follows:

4.10.1. achievement of performance goals and measures is calculated by the results of the measures included in the unit’s performance plan with up to 70 points;

4.10.2. up to 15 points based on the assessment of knowledge and the achievement of goals and measures to improve knowledge and skills;

4.10.3. assessment of attitude, ethics and skills with up to 15 points based on the assessment of the direct manager of the budget.

4.11. The evaluation of the employee’s attitude, ethics, and ability to work as a team as specified in Section 4.9.3 of this regulation will be organized by the head of the unit, and the evaluations will be taken secretly from the employees and considered as a total evaluation.

4.12. If the employee familiarizes himself with the performance evaluation given by the head of the unit (in the case of an organization without an organizational unit, the direct manager of the budget), he shall sign and confirm it.

4.13. The evaluation of the employee’s performance shall be confirmed by the evaluation sheet approved by the order of the Minister of Mongolia and the head of the Government Secretariat, and shall be attached to the employee’s personal file.

4.14. Based on the evaluation of the employee’s work performance, results, and qualification level by the head of the unit, the evaluation team of the organization will make a proposal to the authorized person to take and implement the following measures in accordance with the relevant laws, legal acts and internal procedures of the organization.

4.14.1. For a civil servant with an “A or Very Good” rating:

a. determine the highest state and industry awards;

b. providing monetary and other rewards and incentives;

c. promotion of title and rank before the deadline (if 2 consecutive “A or very good” evaluations);

d. Skipping salary increments (for 3 consecutive “A or Excellent” ratings);

d. undergo a set of qualification courses for the purpose of promotion (if “A or excellent” is evaluated 3 times in a row).

4.14.2. For civil servants who have received a “B or Good” rating:

a. advancement in title and rank;

b. providing monetary and other rewards and incentives.

4.14.3. For civil servants who have received a “C or Satisfactory” rating:

a. awarding titles and ranks in accordance with laws and regulations.

4.14.4. For civil servants who are rated “D or Needs Improvement”:

a. training;

b. assign timed tasks;

c. take action to remind.

4.14.5. For a government employee who received an “F or Unsatisfactory” grade:

a. take action to remind;

b. reducing the salary of the position by up to 20 percent for up to 3 months;

c. demotion (in case of 3 consecutive “F or insufficient” evaluations);

d. Dismissal from public service (in case of 3 or more “F’s or unsatisfactory” ratings).

4.15. Proposals corresponding to the evaluation specified in Clause 4.14 of this regulation shall not be duplicated in a given year.

4.16. Based on the evaluation of the employees’ performance, the evaluation team will submit the proposals for measures specified in Section 4.14 of this regulation to the direct budget manager.

4.17. If the official moves to another position or is transferred, the last evaluation obtained in the organization where he worked before will be included in the evaluation specified in Article 4.14 of this regulation.

4.18. If a full-time civil servant who has been temporarily released on the grounds specified in Article 46.1 of the Law on Civil Service is reappointed, the last evaluation obtained during his previous employment shall be included in the evaluation specified in Article 4.14 of this regulation.

4.19. According to Article 26.3 of the Law on Civil Service, the evaluation specified in this regulation shall be taken into account when promoting a candidate to a public position.

4.20. If the employee’s work results are rated unsatisfactory three or more times, it will be grounds for dismissal from official government service.

4.21. Make 3 copies of the evaluation sheet and keep it in the personal files of the evaluation team, the employee, and the employee.

4.22. Based on the evaluation of all the employees of the organization, the evaluation team will openly report the results of the organization’s activities, prepare recommendations to eliminate the errors and implement the measures to improve the capabilities of the employees in the training program of the organization’s civil servants for the next reporting period, and submit them to the authorized persons.

Five. Other things

5.1. Disputes related to the implementation of this procedure shall be resolved in accordance with the Civil Service Law.

5.2. Officials who violate this regulation will be charged with the responsibility provided for in the Civil Service Law.