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Implementation of urgent meeting on 25.02.2019

39 үзсэн

**Implementation of Instructions Given at the Urgent Meeting on March 1, 2019**

**March 1, 2019, Meeting No. 05, Darkhan-Uul Province**

| No. | Instruction Given | Responsible Party | Implementation |
| 1 | Hold a meeting with the Information Department of the Cabinet Secretariat on February 27, 2019. | MPA | An executive team was established by the order of the First Deputy Head of the Cabinet Secretariat to implement digital transition. This team provided information to provincial leaders and officials on February 27 and 28, 2019. |
| 2 | Participate in two interviews. Prepare key questions related to local development projects and create visual aids and montages. | As per instructions from the urgent meeting, Provincial Governor S. Nasanbat participated in an interview on local development on February 27, 2019. The interview montage is currently being edited. |
| 3 | Collaborate actively with major enterprises on lighting and beautification projects. | SA | In connection with lighting and beautification projects, meetings were held with enterprises to arrange street lighting on Energy Street. |
| 4 | Provide detailed information on the waste management plant to Director Ravjaa Delger. | Detailed information about the waste management plant was provided to the Governor. |
| 5 | Improve the maintenance, protection, and cleaning services of the provincial government office building. | NUA | Efforts will continue to improve the maintenance, protection, and cleaning services of the building. |

**Reviewed by:**

**Head of State Administrative Management Department P. Bayarsaikhan**

**Compiled by:**

**Specialist of State Administrative Management Department Ya. Gerelsukh**