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Development policy and planning documents have been developed

30 үзсэн

According to the letter No. HEG/2361 of the Deputy Head of the Government Secretariat dated October 6, 2020, “On Developing Development Policy and Planning Documents”, according to the Law on Development Policy, Planning and Its Management, long-, medium- and short-term State LOCAL LEVEL in accordance with development policies and planning documents:

1. “Five-year main directions for the development of Darkhan-Mountain Province in 2021-2025”, its implementation monitoring and evaluation criteria and achievement level,
2. “2021-2024 Action Program of the Governor of Darkhan-Mountain Province”

12 of 2020 of Citizens’ Representatives of the Province based on the fact that the projects of “Darhan-Uul Province Development Annual Development Plan in 2021” were developed and submitted to the “National Development Department” on November 30, 2020. 2/07, 2/08 and 2/09 resolutions were discussed at the meeting on the 4th of the same day and are being implemented.