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Conducting a selection for assessment

32 үзсэн

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In order to select organizations to implement the comprehensive approach to supporting the employment of people with disabilities in the labor market on a competitive basis, state professional organizations will conduct a selection process based on the basic principles of the contract.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will be responsible for organizing the selection process for the comprehensive approach to supporting the employment of people with disabilities in the labor market, focusing on “providing comprehensive support to people with disabilities to work in the open labor market, providing support for training, mentoring, and workplace adaptation for people with disabilities, and developing guidelines for the comprehensive support of disabled employees in the workplace.” The deadline for submitting project proposals for the selection process is from October 28, 2021, to November 22, 2021.

The implementing organization shall consider the following criteria in order to implement the comprehensive approach:

• It should have at least 3 years of continuous work experience in protecting the rights of people with disabilities.

If an organization meets the criteria to implement the comprehensive approach, it can jointly develop a project proposal with up to 2 other organizations. In this case, each participant must meet at least one criterion, and the total score must meet all the above criteria.

The selection of the implementing organization will be based on the following criteria:

  • A request for proposals from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
  • Introduction of the organization
  • Report on the activities carried out in the field of supporting the employment of people with disabilities
  • Certificate of state registration of the organization
  • Charter of the organization/contracts with relevant authorities, valid for a specified period/
  • Confirmation of the implementation of the training program, compliance with professional standards
  • Report on the training conducted in 2020, curriculum, materials, photos
  • Agreement on the temporary use of training premises /valid for a specified period/, lease agreement for own premises /notarized lease agreement valid by May 2021/
  • Resume of the trainer, certification, diploma, trainer’s license in the respective field
  • Conclusion of cooperation agreements with all relevant organizations and participants in the joint project /Notary/
  • Execution of comprehensive measures

Contact numbers: 94072500, 70370122, 77371220, 70371212 Darkhan-Uul Province Employment Support Department