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emergency meeting on 6/11/2018

29 үзсэн


June 11, 2018 No. 19 Darkhan-Uul province

The emergency meeting of the governor of the province was held on June 11, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting hall of the office of the governor of the province. The meeting was chaired by the deputy governor of the province T. Ganbold, 12 members participated in the meeting and the attendance was 85.7 percent. Enclosed is the attendance register of members.


1. Heads of departments to present 7-day work report, relevant urgent news and information, to present news and report on the implementation of tasks given from the previous urgent meeting.



Ch. Enhbat, Head of the Provincial Governor’s Office:


No. Assigned Tasks Responsible Owner
1. Particular attention will be paid to the implementation of the governor’s duties, and information will be provided at the meeting of the management staff in June. Governor’s office
2. To prepare for the meeting of the Governor with the citizens on 15.06.2018, TZUH, MTA to inform the citizens

T. Ganbold, deputy governor of the province

No. Assigned Tasks Responsible Owner
1. The Military Headquarters will pay special attention to the training of the Command Headquarters
2. It is necessary to pay attention to the governor’s report dated 15.06.2018 and monitor the performance of the departments. HSHUDAH
3. It is necessary to prepare magazine material and have a lot of pictures with little text. MTA
4. Paying attention to the cost of operation of the temporary shelter. CPC
5. Take and present the research of the Agricultural University and the public school.
6. It is necessary to revise the calculation of expansion of Orkhon hospital.
7. Prepare technical specifications for wells in intensive livestock farming, and prepare and present tender materials for selection of private sector for cooperative farming. ХОЧБТХ
8. The governor instructed to consider that the industrial technology park project is in the hands of P. Batsukh, so it needs to be reviewed.
9. The dirt road work has not started on the 2nd team, control the start-up work.
10. Note that the work of “ODND” LLC is different from the picture.
11. Due to the road works being carried out in the 7th and 8th teams, please pay attention to the construction of bus stops and lighting on these teams.
12. “Odcon Holding” LLC, which is working on the central line of Darkhan-Uul Ayam province, needs to work 1 more brigade and intensify the work. OK
13. There are no drawings for the repair of the roof of the sports complex, so it is necessary to solve the drawing problem. OK, OKAY
14. Pay attention to the city’s general plan and road transport master plan. ХОЧБТХ
15. Accountability with the overdue contractor
16. Road patch work is not being done on main roads. Call Sergelen and meet him.
17. Pay attention to the location of the address.
18. Write and present the draft of the resolution of the citizens’ meeting related to the intensive animal husbandry zone.
19. If “Beaver Property” is selected for the redevelopment tender, it is necessary to sign a contract and start work. ХОЧБТХ, ХЕХ
20. Address 3 members of the Parliament and send an official letter on 5.8 billion MNT for water supply. ХОЧБТХ
21. To prepare and submit a proposal to the Member of Parliament B. Battumur to have the budget for basement engineering, roof repair, and facade repair in his constituency funded by the state budget.
22. Investment work for 2019-2020 should be organized and presented at a meeting of citizens’ representatives.
23. Pay attention to digitize the archive of the Governor’s Office and make it a model. ТЖУХ
24. Through the inspection of the General Department of Archives, the work of the provincial state archives, the archives of the Governor’s Office, the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the archives of the metallurgical industry were reviewed. Because the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were not sufficient, they said to submit an official demand. It was officially said that the work of the provincial archives department is lagging behind other provinces. EVER
25. – Forced treatment people will come in 14 days. A meeting was held with the representatives of 11 enterprises to provide jobs. Now he needs to get back to his company and get the name of the recruiter. – When we take 15 people who went to forced treatment, we will return 15 people for treatment, so we need to work together with the Police Department and the UBH in documenting this work.
26. Taking measures to clarify the reasons for the increase in crime.
27. It is necessary to combine and present proposals for conflicting laws, rules and regulations. ТЖУХ
28. Provide good information about the event on 06/15/2018 to citizens. MTA
29. Prepare and present the provincial winterization plan for 2018-2019. OK
30. According to the suggestions received from the Transport Service Center, it is necessary to inspect and organize the auto repair and tire repair shops.
31. The issue of hazardous waste and industrial waste should be included in the meeting of the Presidents of the National Assembly.
32. To introduce housing office calculations
33. Intensification of the implementation of the Wormless Darhan program, monitoring by teams, CHPs and enterprises.
34. Make and present the calculation of the boiler of Orkhon.

35. Appoint a construction engineer to make an estimate on whether the Orkhon police station can be strengthened.
36. The figures and news released by the Statistics Department are the old year’s news. Pay special attention to updating the news. STS
37. Since the inventory of firearms has just been completed, is there a need for another inventory?
38. The head of the Tax Department presented the information on the examination of E-documents to the Enterprise Sub-Division. Therefore, there is no need for further testing.
39. Departments and agencies of the Governor’s State Administration for deworming work shall send requirements to the scheduled places under their control and demonstrate their fulfillment. OK
40. Pay special attention to recommendations from the ATC. EVER