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Implementation of urgent meeting on 11.03.2019

37 үзсэн

**Implementation of Instructions Given at the Urgent Meeting on March 11, 2019**

**March 11, 2019, Meeting No. 07, Darkhan-Uul Province**

| No. | Instruction Given | Responsible Party | Implementation |
| 1 | Organize a meeting with the Minister of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports on March 13, 2019. | NHB | Contacted the assistant to the Minister of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports and confirmed that the provincial governor will meet with the Minister on March 13, 2019. The Minister will make time for the governors coming from the provinces. |
| 2 | Department heads, agency heads, and district governors should provide detailed information on their ongoing projects through media according to the schedule. | MPA | Deputy Governor T. Ganbold participated in the “Office Time” program as per the schedule approved by the provincial governor. |
| 3 | Organize the opening ceremony of the “Ceremony Hall” on March 14, 2019, at a high level. | NHB | Successfully organized the opening ceremony of the “Family Ceremony Hall” according to the program. |
| 4 | The GBA declared 2019 as the “Year of Child and Family Development.” However, our province ranks third in the nation for teenage pregnancies and first in domestic violence according to an independent survey by the UNFPA. Collaborate with NHB to incorporate practical actions in the local work plan. Work with the Health Department to compile relevant statistics on teenage pregnancies and domestic violence. Implement impactful actions through local administration. | | Declared the “Year of Family Development,” focusing on reducing and preventing domestic violence, child rights violations, and crimes against children based on statistical data. Official letters outlining these measures were sent to the governors of Darkhan, Sharin Gol, Khongor, and Orkhon districts. |
| 5 | Some organizations are participating in all projects and programs. Compile and present a detailed report on these organizations, including each project and program. | LBD |

**Reviewed by:**

**Head of State Administrative Management Department P. Bayarsaikhan**

**Compiled by:**

**Specialist of State Administrative Management Department Ya. Gerelsukh**