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Implementation of urgent meeting on 04.03.2019

37 үзсэн

**Implementation of Instructions Given at the Urgent Meeting on March 4, 2019**

**March 4, 2019, Meeting No. 06, Darkhan-Uul Province**

| No. | Instruction Given | Responsible Party | Implementation |
| 1 | Confirm and present the schedule for meetings between MPs and the public. | SA | MPs are currently on overseas missions and cannot meet in March. Meetings with the public will commence in April 2019. This information was confirmed with their assistants. |
| 2 | Investigate the integration of the Governor’s Office into the state communication network. State organizations will benefit from secure communication through this network, managed by the Information and Communication Network Company. Consult with the chief engineer about technical data and conditions for connection. | MPA | A request for the state communication network map was submitted to Information and Communication Network LLC. Coordination with Mongolian Telecommunications LLC is ongoing to arrange network maintenance. |
| 3 | Budget for the implementation of the Electronic Signature Law under digital transition initiatives. | MPA | As per recommendations from the “Digital Transition Implementation Task Force” led by the First Deputy Head of the Cabinet Secretariat, proposals for acquiring digital signature devices were submitted to MonPass and Tridum LLC. Budget proposals will be presented upon receipt. National Data Center will provide digital signature certificates for free, requiring the completion of specific documents. |
| 4 | Ensure the implementation of the law requiring employment of individuals with disabilities in organizations with more than 25 employees. Conduct a survey and ensure compliance. | NHB | According to Article 111 of the Labor Law, 42 organizations, including 12 state-owned and 30 private entities, are not employing individuals with disabilities. Large organizations include Dulaanshar Gol LLC, OB, CG, Erel Cement, Darkhan Minj LLC, UGTE ShK, among others. |
| 5 | Investigate the possibility of issuing legal acts to enforce the provision of e-receipts by service establishments. Compile a list of such establishments and develop regulatory documents. | LBD | A survey of service establishments has been completed. A draft resolution is being prepared. |
| 6 | Resolve the costs for transporting five fully equipped ambulances from Zamyn-Uud to Darkhan-Uul Province, provided by local authorities in Puchon, South Korea, as per MP B. Battumur’s arrangement. | District Governor’s Offices | The cost of 5 million MNT for transporting ambulances will be covered by the district budgets, as instructed. The ambulances will be provided to district health centers. |
| 7 | Meet with the previous administration of the sports complex to discuss room allocation and other issues, and organize a preliminary meeting. | NHB | An official letter was sent on March 5, 2019, to O. Nemehbold, Director of Nembar LLC, and N. Mijiddorj, Director of Ideal Group LLC, detailing the 2019 work schedule and plans for changes to the sports complex. |
| 8 | Compile a survey of children from surrounding areas, in addition to Bag 8, to be enrolled in the newly operational kindergarten. Increase enrollment to maximize the budget allocated for a full-capacity kindergarten. | A survey of children to be enrolled in the newly operational kindergarten is being compiled. |

**Reviewed by:**

**Head of State Administrative Management Department P. Bayarsaikhan**

**Compiled by:**

**Specialist of State Administrative Management Department Ya. Gerelsukh**