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Implementation of urgent meeting on 15.10.2018

24 үзсэн

**Implementation of Instructions Given at the Urgent Meeting on October 15, 2018**

**October 19, 2018, Meeting No. 32, Darkhan-Uul Province**

| No. | Instruction Given | Responsible Party | Implementation |
| 1 | Reported 10 traffic accidents. Identify locations and assign appropriate controllers. | PSD | The head of the Provincial Police Department, Colonel Kh. Altankhuyag, and the head of the Traffic Police Department, Major B. Khurts, were summoned and briefed on the Deputy Governor A. Tuvshinbat’s instructions. Traffic lights at the 380 and DBS intersections were made operational, and Major B. Khurts agreed to meet with the Governor of Darkhan Sum, L. Azjargal. |
| 2 | Contact Bayarmaa from the Asia Foundation for additional information. Schedule a meeting at 10:00 AM on October 17, 2018. | LDBDE | The meeting was organized on October 17, 2018. Participants included Deputy Governor T. Ganbold, Director of the CHDC D. Ganbayar, and Director of the EEPD P. Enkh-Amgalan. |
| 3 | Direct the Professional Inspection Department to inspect the safety standards at fuel stations. Ensure the use of standard fuel unloading pumps. | Directed to the Professional Inspection Department. |
| 4 | Prepare the decrees for the individuals to be awarded by the provincial governor and for two individuals to be inscribed in the “Book of Honor”. | PAO | The decrees for the awardees and for the two individuals to be inscribed in the “Book of Honor” have been prepared and finalized. |
| 5 | The laboratory inauguration will take place on October 15, 2018, at 11:00 AM. Ensure participation of the heads of relevant departments and local governors. | Notification of the laboratory opening at 11:00 AM on October 15, 2018, was sent to local governors and heads of departments. |
| 6 | Address the storage issues of playground equipment. Resolve the dispute about assembly assistance. | LDBDE, PGO | The equipment and toys for “Minii Mongol” Park were received and stored in the local property warehouse and container yard. |
| 7 | Develop and present the implementation plan for the “Three-Pillar Policy” and the “Green Development Policy” at the Governor’s Council meeting. Submit to the Provincial Citizens’ Representatives Council by October 30, 2018. | LDBDE | Currently developing the issues for presentation at the Governor’s Council meeting. |
| 8 | Hold a discussion on the city master plan with “Art Construction.” Expand the consultation to include local representatives and agency heads, and finalize the discussion by the end of October 2018. | PGO | No implementation report received. |
| 9 | Investigate the possibility of transferring Suren Street to provincial ownership. | Under investigation.

**Reviewed by:**

**Governor S. Nasanbat**

**Verified by:**

**Head of State Administrative Management Department P. Bayarsaikhan**

**Compiled by:**

**Specialist of State Administrative Management Department Ya. Gerelsukh**