Хүртээмжийн тохиргоо

  • Өндөр ялгаралтай
  • Заагчийн хэмжээ томруулах
  • Үсгийн хэмжээ томруулах
  • Мөр хоорондын зай нэмэх
  • Үсэг хоорондын зай нэмэх

Education Act

38 үзсэн

On May 3, 2002, Ulaanbaatar city



Article 1. Legal objective

1.1. The purpose of this law is to determine the basic principles, system, content, management, organization, and responsibilities of participants in educational relations, and to regulate common relations related to the provision of citizens’ right to education.


Article number 2. Legislation on education

2.1. The legislation on education consists of the Constitution of Mongolia, this law, Law on Preschool Education, Law on Primary and Secondary Education, Law on Higher Education, Law on Vocational Education and Training and other legislative acts issued in accordance with them.

/This section was amended by the law of May 23, 2008/

2.2. If the international agreement of Mongolia states otherwise than this law, the provisions of the international agreement shall be followed.


Article number 3. Legal terminology

3.1. The following terms used in this law shall be understood in the following meanings:

3.1.1 “universal general education” means the content level of 12 years of education;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

3.1.2 “basic education” means the content level of 9 years of education;

3.1.3 “educational content” means the set of knowledge, skills, habits, and maturity that should be acquired at that level of education;

3.1.4 “level of education” means the amount of knowledge determined by the content standards of pre-school, elementary, secondary, and higher education that should be acquired at that stage;

3.1.5 “educational institution” means a legal entity that implements the educational content of one or more levels of education;

3.1.6 “formal education” means organized educational activities that meet the needs of students to obtain general and professional education at an appropriate level through official educational institutions;

3.1.7 “non-formal education” means the organized activity of providing educational services to citizens outside the formal education system;

3.1.8. “package time” is a unit of measurement of the content of higher and professional education.

3.1.9. “disabled student” means a person specified in Article 3, Clause 3.1 of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;

/This provision was amended by the law of February 7, 2013/

/This provision was amended by the law dated February 5, 2016/

3.1.10 “educational environment” means the material conditions required for the implementation of educational standards and learning and teaching relationships;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

3.1.11. “maturity” means the set of upbringing and beliefs of the student;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

3.1.12. “school social worker” means a specialist who evaluates the relationship between students, parents and teachers, their social issues, and provides individual and group-oriented professional advice, prevents children from negative social phenomena, and supports their development and cooperation.

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

3.1.13. “general education school with international curriculum” means a school that teaches internationally recognized general education programs;

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

3.1.14. “laboratory school of general education” means a school of general education that organizes primary and secondary education research and methodological experiments;

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

3.1.15. “educational assistant” means accountants, treasurers, cooks, guards, servants, carpenters, electricians, fitters, firemen and other service workers of all levels of educational institutions.

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

3.1.16. “not-for-profit educational institution” means a legal entity whose primary purpose is to conduct educational activities, whose profits/income are spent only in accordance with their primary purpose, and whose capital assets are not divided into shares;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

3.1.17. “for-profit educational institution” means a legal entity whose invested capital is divided into a certain number of shares, dividends are distributed to shareholders, and which engages in educational activities for the purpose of making a profit;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

3.1.18. “core training program” means the document that expresses the level of knowledge, skills and maturity of the student at that stage, and the general organization of complex activities to achieve it;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

3.1.19. “daycare service” means services provided outside of training to care for, protect, and support children in a healthy and safe environment based on the agreement concluded by the educational institution with the citizen at the request of the parent or guardian;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

3.1.20. “lifelong education” refers to the continuous acquisition of moral, aesthetic, civil, family, scientific and life skills education by citizens of all ages in formal and informal forms of education.

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 4. Educational goals

4.1. The purpose of education in Mongolia is to develop citizens with appropriate intellectual, moral, and physical capabilities, respect humane values, and be able to learn, work, and live independently.


Article 5. Basic principles of education

5.1. The basic principles of education are:

5.1.1. Education will be developed as a priority sector and will be under the patronage and regulation of the state and the control of the state and the public;

5.1.2. Education in Mongolia shall be humane, democratic, continuous and accessible to all, and shall be based on national and human civilization values, progressive heritage, and science;

5.1.3. the methods and forms of education are free and open, with many alternatives that meet the needs, personal and developmental characteristics of students;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

5.1.4. not to discriminate citizens based on ethnicity, language, race, age, gender, developmental characteristics, health, social background, status, wealth, occupation, position, religion, opinion, mother provide equal opportunities and conditions for language learning;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

5.1.5. it is prohibited to organize training in religious fields, religious practices, and other activities that have a negative impact on society, citizens’ interests, health, and safety, and are funded and organized by foreign countries;

/This provision was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

5.1.6. treat educational institutions equally regardless of the type and form of ownership.


Article 6. Basic rights and obligations of citizens to education

6.1. A citizen of Mongolia has the right to study at all levels of education free of charge or with payment according to the conditions and procedures specified in the law, and to study while working.

6.2. According to the Constitution, the state will provide free general education for all.

6.3. Citizens of Mongolia must acquire basic education.

6.4. Citizens are responsible for constantly improving their educational and professional skills through self-study and participation in professional development courses.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/


Article 7. Education system

7.1. The education system in Mongolia is a combination of formal and non-formal education and consists of pre-school, primary, secondary, professional education and higher education.

/This section was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

7.2. The content and standards of formal education shall be established in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law. The content of non-formal education is free.


Article 8. Ways and forms of acquiring education

8.1. Citizens can acquire education through formal and informal training.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

8.2. Primary and secondary education can be provided through an informal training equivalent program for the purpose of compensating education for a certain period of time and for independent learning.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/


Article 9. Educational document

9.1. The educational document is an official guarantee of the level of educational content and profession of the citizen.

9.2. The procedure for creating and issuing educational documents (certificates, IDs, diplomas) shall be approved by the central state administrative organization in charge of education.

9.3. The general education school and non-formal education center shall keep the student’s personal file and class journal as educational documents.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

9.4. The model of training documents and the procedure for maintaining them shall be approved by the central state administrative organization in charge of education.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

9.5. The issue of equating foreign educational documents with Mongolian educational documents, and the issue of mutual calculation of set hours shall be decided by the central state administrative organization in charge of education.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Curriculum, content and standards

/The title of this chapter was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

Article 10. Curriculum and content

/The title of this article was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

10.1. The content of education is aimed at the implementation of educational goals in accordance with the student’s age, physical and mental characteristics, talents, interests, personal and social needs, national heritage, scientific and technological development.

10.2. Activities to implement the educational content of that level will be organized by program.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

10.3. Mongolian history, language, culture, national heritage, customs, patriotism, personal growth and development, family, common human values, and the type and content of voluntary activities performed by students must be included in the education program at all levels. , will be organized to use the opportunities of cultural, artistic and sports institutions such as museums, libraries, cinemas

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 11. Levels and standards of educational content

11.1. According to the level, the content of education is classified as pre-school, primary, secondary, professional education and higher. The content of education shall be defined and determined in accordance with the Laws on Preschool Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education and Training.

/This section was amended by the law of May 23, 2008/

/This section was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

11.2. Educational standards determine the basic requirements for the teacher’s professional level and the learning environment.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

11.3. the standard will be developed by the central state administrative organization in charge of the issue, approved in accordance with Article 6.5 of the Law on Standardization and Conformity Assessment, and registered in the state registry.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

11.4. The core program of pre-school, primary, basic and upper secondary education shall be followed by all types of educational institutions.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

11.5. The core curriculum of pre-school, primary, basic and full secondary education shall be developed by educational scientific and methodical organization and reviewed and approved by the central state administrative body in charge of education.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Educational institution

Article 12. Educational institution

12.1. An educational institution is a legal entity engaged in activities for the purpose of education.

12.2. An educational institution may be non-profit or for-profit:

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

12.2.1. not for profit;

12.2.2. for profit.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

12.3.Educational institutions based on state property are not for profit.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

12.4. Education and training institutions based on non-state property are non-profit and for-profit.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

12.5. Non-profit educational institutions are prohibited from establishing for-profit educational institutions.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 13. System of educational organization

13.1. The system of the educational organization consists of training, research, methodical education evaluation, training-methodical and other organizations for professional development.

/Added to this section by the law of May 9, 2012/

/Added to this section by the law of April 14, 2016/

13.2. An educational institution may have various types of structures that provide opportunities and conditions for conducting research, experiments, professional training, and production in accordance with its main goals.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/


Article 14. Educational institutions for pre-school, primary and secondary education

14.1 Pre-school, primary and secondary education institutions are kindergartens, general education schools, and kindergarten-primary school complexes.

/This section was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/Added to this section by the law of April 14, 2016/

14.2. Vocational education training institutions can provide training for secondary education.

/This section was added by the law of February 13, 2009/


Article 141. Vocational education and training institutions

141.1. Vocational education and training institutions may have the following types: polytechnic college, vocational training-production center.

141.2. Polytechnic college is an institution engaged in technical education training.

/This article was added by the law of February 13, 2009/


Article 15. Institution of higher education

15.1. Institutions of higher education are universities, colleges and colleges. The university is research-training-production or research-training, the institute is training-research, the conservatory /music higher education institution/, the college is training or training-production.

/Added to this section by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 16. Educational research and methodology


16.1. Educational research and methodical organization shall provide research data for educational policy and decision-making, conduct regular research, analysis, methodology, and training work on pre-school, primary, and secondary education issues, provide professional and methodical management to local educational institutions, provide training, research and methodological professional support to educational institutions at all levels, conduct basic and supplementary scientific research on educational development issues, and provide research and analysis information to citizens and the public.

/This section was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

16.2. The department of education of the province, the capital city, and the district education department of the capital city shall carry out the functions of providing management and professional assistance to kindergartens and schools in the respective territory, and assisting the management staff, teachers, and citizens of educational institutions in conducting research and analysis to acquire education, profession, and improve their qualifications.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

16.3. Educational research and methodical institutions may have kindergartens and schools.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

16.4. The structure and rules of educational research and methodical organizations and the working procedures of provincial and metropolitan education departments shall be approved by the central state administrative organization in charge of education.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/Added to this section by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

16.5. Educational scientific research and methodological organization has a permanent structure for continuous research, analysis and training in the following areas:

16.5.1. assessment of educational standards, content and program, students’ knowledge, abilities, and practices, professional development of teachers in pre-school, elementary, and secondary education institutions;

16.5.2. content and methodology of textbooks, education management, child upbringing, maturity, development, training based on information and communication technology.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

16.6. Based on the educational development policy and the demand of teachers and staff of schools and kindergartens, the training and methodology organization for teacher professional development shall implement the function of providing and organizing services to support continuous professional development through integrated professional and methodological management and coordination.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

16.7. The rules and structure of teachers’ professional development and methodical organization shall be jointly approved by the central state administrative body in charge of education, and the central state administrative body in charge of finance, budgetary and educational issues.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 17. Non-formal educational institution

17.1. Lifelong education training, research and methodological organization shall provide local lifelong and non-formal education institutions with unified management, policy regulation, professional and methodological management, and organize professional development training for teachers providing education in this field.

/This section was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

17.2 In provinces, capitals, sums, and districts, informal education centers with the role of organizing lifelong and informal training and assisting independent learners shall be operated independently or with the support of educational institutions.

/Added to this section by the law of April 14, 2016/

17.3. The rules and organizational structure of lifelong and non-formal education training, research and methodological organizations shall be approved by the central state administrative body in charge of education.

/Added to this section by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

Article 171. Educational assessment organization

171.1. The educational evaluation organization is a legal entity responsible for evaluating the quality of education at all levels, conducting research, organizing training, and organizing the general entrance examination of entrants to higher education programs at the national level.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

171.2. The structure and rules of the educational evaluation organization shall be approved by the central state administrative organization in charge of education.

/This item was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 18. Other educational institutions

18.1. Enterprises, organizations and citizens engaged in extracurricular activities in the fields of social, economic, scientific, technological, legal, environmental, aesthetic, cultural, artistic, sports, health, family and household activities. In accordance with the special program in the sphere of education, children and adults can be provided with assistance in improving their education and qualifications, as well as providing daycare services.

/Added to this section by the law of April 14, 2016/

18.2. All levels of schools, other enterprises, organizations, and citizens can provide vocational training and professional development training necessary for citizens to engage in production and services.

18.3 Enterprises and organizations may establish and operate educational and training institutions in accordance with laws and regulations.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

18.4. The relationship between students in religious schools and the provision of basic education shall be regulated by this law and the Law on State-Church Relations.

18.5. General requirements for the provision of services specified in Section 3.1.19 of this law shall be approved by the central state administrative organization in charge of education.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 19. Establishment of an educational institution

19.1. An educational institution can be established on the basis of any form of property, provided that it is provided with appropriate buildings, facilities, equipment, books, textbooks, and teaching staff.

19.2. An educational institution shall be considered established from the date of its registration in the state register.

/This section was amended by the law of January 29, 2015/


Article 20. Licensing Authority

20.1. According to clauses 15.7.1, 15.7.2, 15.7.4, 15.7.8, 15.7.9, 16.2.4, and 16.3.3 of the Law on Special Licenses for Business Activities, the university shall issue a special license for educational and training activities. , higher education institutions, colleges, central state administrative organizations in charge of education, general education schools, kindergartens will be given by the governors of the provinces and capitals based on the opinion of the education department of the province and capital.

/This section was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of January 20, 2011/

/Added to this section by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law dated December 21, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of January 29, 2015/

20.2. General education schools with international program training, general education laboratory schools, general education high schools affiliated to universities and institutes, joint schools established in accordance with intergovernmental agreements, and special permits for the establishment of kindergartens and schools with foreign investment are issued by the state administrative center in charge of education. will be provided by the organization.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of January 29, 2015/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 21. Documents for obtaining a license

21.1. In addition to the provisions of Article 11 of the Law on Business Activity Licensing, the founder of an educational training institution shall submit the following documents to the licensing authority at least six months prior to the commencement of educational activities:

21.1.1. one of the decisions, petitions, rules, and founding agreements of the competent authority on the establishment of an educational institution;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

21.1.2. presentation with rationale and calculations for establishment of an educational institution;

21.1. Z. training plan;

21.1.4. study of teaching personnel supply, composition, educational level, degree and title;

21.1.5. guarantee of building facilities, equipment, books and textbooks for training;

21.1.6. financial resources, capacity, and its guarantee;

21.1.7. the list, amount, and guarantee of assets /physical and monetary/ to be transferred from the founder to the educational institution;

21.1.8. permission of the organization’s property.

21.2. In addition to the documents specified in Article 11 of the Law on Special Licenses for Business Activities, in addition to the documents specified in Article 21.1.3 – 21.1.7 of this Law, when an educational institution obtains a special license to conduct training in a new profession, to conduct courses for master’s and doctoral degrees, The application for a special license to conduct training, the rationale for conducting training, and the calculation must be submitted to the licensing authority at least five months before the start of the training activity.

21.3./This part was considered invalid by the law of April 14, 2016/

21.4. The requirements and models for documents specified in Sections 21.1.1-21.1.7 of this law shall be approved by the member of the Government in charge of education.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

21.5. The model charter of the educational institution shall be approved by the member of the Government in charge of education.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

21.6. Before starting training with a new program, the educational institution shall undergo preliminary accreditation by the Educational Accreditation Organization.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 22. Licensing and registration in the state register

/The title of this article was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.1. The issue of registration of education and training institutions in the state register shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure specified in the Law on State Registration of Legal Entities.

/This article was amended by the law of January 29, 2015/

22.2. A special license to engage in educational activities shall be issued in the following manner:

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.2.1. to decide whether or not the authorized authority to grant a special license will issue a preliminary permit for the establishment of an educational institution within 21 working days after receiving the documents specified in Article 21.1 of this law from the founder;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.2.2. from the date of the decision of the competent authority to issue a preliminary permit, organize the implementation of the conditions proposed by the founder to meet the requirements of the special permit;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.2.3. after the founder fully meets the requirements for a special permit, submit the relevant documents to the competent authority along with the application;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.2.4. within 15 working days after receiving the application for a special license, the competent authority shall appoint an expert group with representatives of state administrative and educational institutions and relevant professional organizations to conduct a feasibility study, and the founder shall be responsible for the costs related to the feasibility study;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.2.5. Within 30 days after the appointment of the expert group, it will conduct a preliminary analysis of the documents and make a conclusion after examining the site;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.2.6. the organization specified in Article 20 of this law shall make a decision on whether or not to issue a special license based on the opinion of the expert panel, notify the founder, and grant the special license.

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.3. If an educational institution makes amendments or changes to its founding agreement or rules, or changes its location, it shall notify the state registration authority in writing within 15 working days, and the changes shall be entered in the state register.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

22.4. The state registration organization shall register the education and training institutions based on the special license to engage in educational activities in the categories of state-owned, not-for-profit, and for-profit, according to the types specified in Articles 14, 141, and 15 of this law.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


26.2. Educational accreditation shall be carried out by a non-profit organization authorized by the central state administrative body in charge of education, and the organization shall report the results of its activities to the central state administrative body in charge of education.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

26.3. The regulations of the accreditation organization shall be approved by the Government.

26.4. The governing board of the educational accreditation organization consists of government, community and student representatives.

/Added to this section by the law of November 13, 2003/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

26.5. The National Council for Accreditation of Education is the body that accredits educational institutions.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

26.6. The National Council for Education Accreditation shall implement the functions of establishing accreditation criteria and procedures and registering institutions that conduct curriculum accreditation.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

26.7. The State will support the National Education Accreditation Council in providing guidance and unified regulation to other accrediting organizations.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

26.8. The National Education Accreditation Council shall register and grant permission to foreign organizations that will conduct accreditation activities in Mongolia.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Educational administration

Article 27. Educational management system

27.1. Education management consists of the central state administration in charge of education and local organizations, administrative and territorial unit management, educational institutions and their own management.

/This section was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

27.2. The local organization in charge of education is the department of education in provinces and capitals, and the department of education in capital districts.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This section is amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

27.3. There will be a non-staff council with advisory functions on the issues of policy and development planning of educational activities to be carried out in the respective territory under the department of education of the province and capital.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/


Article 28. Powers of the central state administrative organization in charge of education

28.1. The central state administrative organization in charge of education shall exercise the following powers:

28.1.1. organizing the implementation of laws and regulations on education at the national level;

28.1.2. developing, approving, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and calculating results of development policies, priorities, plans, concepts, main directions, rules, regulations, programs, projects, instructions, and methods in the field of education;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.3. determining the professional direction of primary, secondary and higher education;

28.1.4. development of standards, norms and norms of all levels of education in accordance with the Budget Law;

/This provision was amended by the law of July 10, 2002/

/This provision was amended by the law of September 7, 2016/

28.1.5. to provide public administrative and professional management and coordinate the work organized by other organizations to educate citizens through formal and informal training, to provide professions, and to improve their education and qualifications;

28.1.6. to raise and resolve the issue of general policy, training and retraining of managers and teachers in specific fields, and ensuring their social security, to the relevant higher authorities, and to ensure the implementation of the decisions made in this regard;

28.1.7. organize the work of providing kindergartens, schools of all levels, educational research, professional and methodical institutions with special buildings, technical equipment, equipment, study materials, books and textbooks in cooperation with relevant organizations;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

28.1.8. in order to determine how educational programs, norms, and standards are implemented, to assess the quality of educational institutions and educational programs, to make conclusions, and to provide professional management in the field of supporting and confirming the progress of children’s development;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.9. to provide support and assistance to non-state-owned educational institutions as stipulated by law;

28.1.10. to cooperate with foreign and international organizations on educational matters and improve benefits;

28.1.11. Placement of people studying at foreign universities, institutes, colleges, and academic institutions at private or organizational expense, and included in the unified information register;

28.1.12. to appoint the director of educational research and methodical institutions, educational assessment institutions, non-formal educational training, research and methodical institutions, state-owned general education schools with international program training and general education laboratory schools based on the selection results, provided by law exemption on grounds;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/This provision was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This clause was amended by the law of December 21, 2012/

/This provision was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.13. to provide educational institutions of provinces and capitals with professional and methodical management;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

28.1.14. to provide concessional loans to students, to provide grants, and to resolve the issue of state responsibility for tuition fees in accordance with the procedures approved by the Government.

/This clause was added by the law of June 29, 2006/

28.1.15. to provide professional management of monitoring activities to ensure that educational services meet the needs and requirements of students and ensure their dignity and freedom;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

28.1.16. based on the needs of the local labor force, to determine the number of students to study with grants from the Educational Loan Fund from citizens who have been admitted to higher education institutions according to the appropriate procedure, by province and capital every year, and to approve and implement the procedure for studying on the basis of contracts;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of September 7, 2016/

28.1.17. on the basis of the contract specified in Article 28.1.16 of this law, to appoint teachers, education, culture and research workers who have obtained higher education to work locally;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

28.1.18. Approve and enforce the code of conduct for management staff, teachers, students and pupils of educational institutions;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

28.1.19. state-owned universities, institutes, colleges, educational research and methodical organizations, teacher professional development training and methodical organizations, offices of the National Education Accreditation Council, lifelong education training and methodical organizations, state-owned Approve and implement the job description of the director/head of a general education school with international program training;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/This clause was amended by the law of December 21, 2012/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.20. to organize the printing and distribution of educational standards;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

28.1.21./This provision was added by the law dated February 13, 2009/

/This provision was considered invalid by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.22. approving the procedures for evaluating and evaluating the work of teachers and employees of kindergartens, general education schools, and lifelong education institutions, granting teaching rights, granting and removing professional degrees of methodologists, teachers, and training managers, and in case of a change of position, the management office of kindergartens and schools maintain the professional degree of the teacher in charge;

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.23. approving procedures for provision of food, food supply and services for children in state-owned kindergartens, general education schools, and boarding schools;

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

28.1.24. approving professional development procedures for teachers and employees of pre-school, primary and secondary education institutions;

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

28.1.25. developing and approving special measures, programs, plans, and training procedures for state-owned general education schools and general education laboratory schools with international program training;

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

28.1.26. to provide support and assistance in teaching Mongolian language, history, culture and customs to Mongolian children living abroad;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.27. approving common requirements for teachers and officials of general education schools and kindergartens, as well as exemplary job descriptions;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.1.28. powers under this Act and other laws.

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of June 29, 2006/

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.2./This section was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was repealed by the law of April 14, 2016/

28.3. Standards, norms and norms aimed at ensuring the healthy and safety of children’s food and food in kindergartens and general education schools shall be developed by the central state administrative body in charge of education in cooperation with the relevant central state administrative body and approved by the competent authority.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

28.4. The Government shall approve the procedure for awarding professional degrees and additional remuneration to school social workers.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/


Article 281. Department of Education of Provinces and Capitals

281.1. Provincial and metropolitan education departments shall exercise the following powers:

281.1.1. organizing the implementation of laws and regulations on education at the local level;

281.1.2. make an opinion on whether or not to issue a special license to establish a general education school or kindergarten and recommend to the governor of the province or capital;

281.1.3. to objectively evaluate and reward the work of teachers and students, and support the improvement of social security;

281.1.4. monitor and analyze the activities of educational institutions;

/This provision was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

281.1.5. to submit educational reports, news and information to relevant institutions in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law;

281.1.6. to establish the coverage area of ​​local kindergartens and general education schools;

281.1.7. to organize the selection of the director and manager of a local general education school and kindergarten;

281.1.8. to provide support and assistance to non-state-owned educational institutions as stipulated by laws and regulations.

281.1.9. Approve uniform model of general education school students of province and district.

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

281.1.10. to provide professional and methodological support and assistance to all types of private kindergartens and general education schools, and to ensure continuous professional development of teachers and employees.

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

281.2. The functions of the district education department of the capital shall be determined by the governor of the capital in consultation with the member of the government in charge of education.

281.3. The capital’s education department may implement its functions specified in Article 281.1 of this law through the capital’s district education department.

/This article was added by the law of December 8, 2006/


Article 29. Powers of the People’s Assembly of Representatives of Provinces, Capitals, Sums, and Districts

29.1. The Assembly of Citizens’ Representatives of Provinces, Capitals, Sums, and Districts shall exercise the following powers in the area of ​​education:

29.1.1. discuss and give direction on the reports of governors of the respective level and lower levels on educational issues;

29.1.2. approving the plan for the development of local educational institutions and monitoring its implementation;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

29.1.3./This provision was repealed by the law of January 3, 2003/

29.1.4. other powers provided by law.


Article 30. Powers of governors of provinces and capitals

30.1. Governors of provinces and capitals exercise the following powers in the area of ​​education:

30.1.1./This provision was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

30.1.2. prepare and implement programs and plans for providing citizens with basic education, training, retraining, and vocational training;

30.1.Z. solving the issue of establishing, changing, or liquidating local educational institutions based on the opinion of the provincial and capital education departments;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

30.1.4. to support educational institutions to increase their income, organize work to provide them with school and boarding houses, educational equipment, books and textbooks;

/This provision was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

30.1.5. to provide support and assistance to non-state-owned educational institutions as provided by law;

30.1.6. to issue a special license for the operation of general education schools and kindergartens in accordance with the procedures specified in this Law and the Law on Special Licenses for Business Activities;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of January 29, 2015/

30.1.7./This provision was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

30.1.8./This provision was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

30.1.9./This provision was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

30.1.10./This provision was deemed invalid by the law dated December 8, 2006/

30.1.11. to appoint and dismiss the head of the education department of the province and capital based on the results of the selection process with the approval of the member of the government in charge of education;

/This provision was amended by the law dated January 03, 2003/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

30.1.12. organizing the work of creating conditions for the education of national minorities, inheriting their culture and customs, and communicating in their native language in the school environment;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

30.1.13. to provide kindergartens with designated buildings, general education schools with classrooms and boarding houses, and to deal with food supply for boarding school children in accordance with appropriate procedures;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

30.1.14. to appoint the director of a local vocational education training institution based on the results of the selection process, and to dismiss him from his position on the basis of the law;

/This provision was added by the law of February 13, 2009/

30.1.15. to appoint general education school principals and kindergarten teachers based on the selection results of the regional and metropolitan education departments, and release them based on the implementation of the results agreement and the recommendations of the regional and metropolitan education departments;

/This provision was added by the law dated May 9, 2012/

30.1.16. other powers provided by law.

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/


Article 31. Powers of Sum and District Governors

31.1. Governors of Sums and Districts shall exercise the following powers in the area of ​​education:

31.1.1. organizing the implementation of laws and regulations on education;

31.1.2. to provide preschool, primary, basic, and secondary education for children, and provide basic education for citizens with administrative management;

31.1.Z/This provision was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

31.1.4./This provision was considered invalid by the law of April 14, 2016/

31.1.5./This provision was deemed invalid by the law of May 9, 2012/

31.1.6./This provision was considered invalid by the law dated December 8, 2006/

31.1.7. to support educational institutions to increase their income;

/This provision was amended by the law dated January 03, 2003/

31.1.8./This provision was considered invalid by the law dated December 8, 2006/

31.1.9. to provide support and assistance to non-state-owned educational institutions provided by laws;

31.1.10./This provision was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

31.1.11./This provision was deemed invalid by the law dated December 8, 2006/

31.1.12. other powers provided by law.


Article 32. Powers of team and committee governors

32.1. The governor of the team and committee shall exercise the following powers:

32.1.1. include children from affiliated families in pre-school and basic education courses;

32.1.2. to conduct research on the state of citizens’ education and to submit the necessary issues to relevant institutions for resolution;

32.1.3. organizing repossession work for citizens who have not received basic education.


Article 33. Management of educational institutions

33.1.Educational institutions of all types of ownership shall be managed by a director or manager appointed by the founder or the person authorized by him.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

33.2. The director and manager shall exercise the rights and obligations stipulated in the Law on Preschool Education, Primary and Secondary Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training.

/This section was amended by the law of May 23, 2008/

33. Z. The director and head of the educational institution shall be full-time.


Article Z4. Self-management of educational institutions

34.1. The self-management of educational institutions shall be carried out by general education schools, kindergartens and kindergarten boards, universities, colleges, vocational education and training institutions, state-owned general education schools with international program training, general education schools that provide nationwide services, the Government It will be implemented by the board of directors of educational institutions established in accordance with inter-departmental agreements. Taking into account the direction of training and the location of the territory, school and kindergarten councils and management boards can be established in a joint form.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

34.2. Provisions stipulated in Article 34.1 of this law shall not apply to military and police higher education institutions.

34.3./This section was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was repealed by the law of April 14, 2016/

34.4. The model rules of operation of the council specified in Article 34.1 of this law shall be approved by the member of the government in charge of education.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/


Article 35. School and Kindergarten Board

35.1. The school and kindergarten council has representatives of teachers, employees, students, parents and other organizations. School and kindergarten councils with 9-11 members are elected for a period of 3 years.

35.2. Representatives of teachers, employees, students, parents, and parents who will join the school and kindergarten councils shall be selected from their collective meetings.

35.3. Representatives of other organizations to be included in the school and kindergarten council shall be elected by the general staff meeting of the school and kindergarten based on the proposal of the founder.

35.4. The school and kindergarten council shall perform the following functions:

35.4.1. to support the adoption and implementation of school and kindergarten development policies, programs, plans, rules and regulations;

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

35.4.2. determine the order and internal organization of schools and kindergartens;

35.4.3. to discuss, evaluate and give conclusions on school and kindergarten activity reports;

35.4.4. to make suggestions to the management and founders of schools and kindergartens regarding the improvement of the quality of education, the results and level of child education, protection, and development;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

35.4.5. provide external supervision and support for the activities of directors and managers;

35.4.6. to protect the interests of teachers, students and employees;

35.4.7./This provision was deemed invalid by the law dated December 8, 2006/

35.4.8. determine the amount of training fees according to the appropriate procedure.

/This provision was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

35.4.9. vote on the investment and budget planning of schools and kindergartens, and decide on the basis of requests made by herder parents about the impossibility of enrolling their children in school at the age of 6 due to unavoidable circumstances;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

35.4.10. monitor the spending of approved budgets and funds of schools and kindergartens, review and report audit findings on budget performance and financial reports;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

35.4.11. prepare a report on the activities of the school and kindergarten council and report to the community meeting.

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

35.5./This part was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

35.6./This section was deemed invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

35.7. Clause 35.4.8 of this law applies only to non-state-owned schools and kindergartens.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/


Article 36. Board of Directors

36.1. The board of directors has representatives of founders, teachers, students and graduates.

/This section was amended by the law dated February 13, 2009/

36.2. 51-60 percent of the composition of the Board of Directors is the representative of the founder. The founder’s representative on the board of directors is appointed by the founder’s decision and by his delegation.

/This section was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

36. Z. Representatives of teachers and students who will join the Board of Directors will be elected at the community meeting.

36.4./This provision was deemed invalid by the law of April 14, 2016/

36.5. The main form of activity of the Board of Directors is a meeting. The board of directors shall meet at least twice a year during the term of office, and extraordinary meetings shall be convened by the vote of at least 1/3 of the founder, chairman of the board or members.

36.6. The Board of Directors shall make decisions by majority vote. The chairman of the council is elected by the board of directors.

36.7. The Board of Directors may establish commissions and working groups to assist in its operations.

36.8. The founder’s representative in the board of directors shall implement its policies and functions.

36.9. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may be replaced prematurely on the basis of insufficient performance of his duties, violation of laws and regulations, or request to resign.

36.10. The founding board of directors has the right to withdraw its representative and inform the selected colleagues about other members if they consider that their member has performed insufficiently.

36.11. The Board of Directors shall perform the following functions:

36.11.1. to approve or change policies, plans, programs and rules for the development of educational institutions in accordance with relevant legislation;

36.11.2. to determine the structure and organization of the school, the number of staff, and the total amount of salaries.

/The part of this provision related to determining the total amount of staff and salaries does not apply to state-owned educational institutions./;

/This provision was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

36.11.Z. approving investment and annual budget allocation, monitoring spending, establishing procedures for receiving donations from enterprises, organizations, and citizens;

/This clause was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

36.11.4. determine the amount of tuition fees and dormitory service fees in accordance with the appropriate procedure;

36.11.5. discuss school activity reports, give evaluations and conclusions;

36.11.6. to prepare an annual report on the activities of the board of directors and give it to the founder.

36.12. The board of directors may propose to the founders to appoint or dismiss directors.

36.13. The representation of the board of directors of vocational education and training institutions shall be regulated by the Law on Vocational Education and Training.

/This section was added by the law of December 21, 2012/

36.14. Relations with the governing board of higher education institutions shall be regulated by the Law on Higher Education.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 37. Educational control

37.1. Educational control will be implemented in the form of monitoring, surveillance, and research.

37.2. The person authorized to issue a special license to engage in educational activities shall monitor whether the requirements of the special license are met.

/This article was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/


Economics of Education

Article Z8. Educational planning and information

38.1. The central state administrative organization in charge of education shall develop and implement short-term and long-term educational development plans with the participation of local administrations and other related organizations.

38.2. Based on the plans and methods developed by the central state administration organization in charge of education, provinces, capitals, sums, and districts have short-term and long-term educational plans.

38. Kindergartens, schools, educational research and methodical organizations shall work with target plans based on established norms and standards.

38.4.Educational institutions of any form of ownership shall accurately report the news and information specified in the laws and regulations to the higher education institution within the prescribed period.


Article Z9. Funding for education

39.1./This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This part was considered invalid by the law of December 23, 2011/

39.2. The educational institution has financial resources such as the state budget, investments, tuition fees from domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and citizens, donations and loans for the activities specified in the rules, and income from the educational institution’s own activities.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This section was supplemented by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

39.3. An educational institution may conduct business activities in accordance with the law in order to increase its financial resources and improve the social security of teachers, employees, and students, and the director and head of the educational institution shall have the right to dispose of the income earned from it in accordance with the purpose specified in this law.

39.4. It is prohibited to reduce the amount of funds to be financed from the state budget in relation to the amount of the educational institution’s own income.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

39.5 Educational research and methodical institutions, provincial and metropolitan education departments shall be financed from the state budget and research projects.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This section was amended by the law dated May 9, 2012/

39.6. The cost of providing elementary, basic, and secondary education to citizens in the evening, evening, and informal form shall be financed from the state and local budgets.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

39.7. Provision of personnel for the local area, training of essential specialists, support of student talent, education loans and grants for low-income and disabled citizens, and the procedure for providing them shall be approved by the Government.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This section was amended by the law of June 29, 2006/

/This section is amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

39.8. Funds for the development of education can be established in provinces, capitals, sums, and districts on the initiative of the public.

39.9. It is prohibited to spend budget and fund funds for other purposes for education.

39.10. A not-for-profit educational institution is obliged to efficiently use the funds provided by the founder and the funds generated during the operation of the educational institution in accordance with the goals and rules of its main activity.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

39.11. An educational institution may have a school development fund, and the model rules of the fund shall be jointly approved by the members of the Government in charge of education and financial matters.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

39.12. State-owned general education schools and kindergartens shall approve the procedures for earning, spending and reporting income from their activities together with the member of the government in charge of education and the member of the government in charge of finance and budget.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

39.13. The educational assessment organization shall be financed from the state budget and income from research work, from the income from the general university entrance examination fee.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

39.14. Based on the results and performance of the National Education Accreditation Council, a certain percentage of the expenses will be financed from the state budget according to the contract, and the amount of the service fee will be determined by the Board of Directors of the National Education Accreditation Council.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 40. Funding of state-owned educational institutions

40.1. State-owned educational institutions shall be financed by fixed and normative expenses.

40.2. Fixed costs of all levels of state-owned schools and kindergartens, general education schools, vocational education and training institutions, total costs of boarding houses, special school students’ lunch costs, a certain percentage of children’s meal costs, taking into account the location of the kindergarten, regardless of the form of ownership, for-profit or not-for-profit variable costs per student participating in formal and informal training in kindergartens and general education schools shall be financed from the state budget.

/This section was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This section is amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of May 23, 2008/

/This section was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

40.3. The average norm of variable costs per student for pre-school, elementary, secondary, and professional education, its composition, increase in variable costs per student for primary, basic, and full secondary education in sum, village, and team schools other than provincial centers depending on the number of children The ratio will be updated by the government every year.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

40.4. Funding of state-owned educational institutions consists of the following sources:

40.4.1. Kindergarten state budget, payments from parents and guardians, income from own activities;

/This provision was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

40.4.2. state budget and own operating income for secondary schools;

/This provision was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

40.4.Z. State budget and income from own activities in vocational education and training institutions;

/This provision was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

/This clause was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

40.4.4. state budget, tuition fees, and income from work and own activities in universities, institutes, and colleges;

/This provision was amended by the law of January 3, 2003/

40.4.5. The state shall bear the expenses related to higher education of soldiers and police.

40.5./This section was repealed by the law of January 03, 2003/

40.5. The variable cost per student shall be determined separately for each educational institution specified in Article 40.3 of this law, in accordance with the school location, typology, professional direction, general education school with international program training, and the special needs of the disabled student. A member of the government will approve.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/Added to this section by the law of May 9, 2012/

40.6. The Government shall annually set the amount of grants, loans and scholarships provided by the government to students in higher education institutions and professional education and training institutions.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This section was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

40.7. It is forbidden to collect fees and charges from students that are not specified by law.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

40.8. The profession of teachers of general education schools and kindergartens will be improved every 5 years with state budget funds, regardless of the form of ownership.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 41. Funding of non-state owned educational institutions

41.1. The sources of financing of non-state-owned educational institutions consist of the founder’s capital, part of the budget to be financed from the normative expenditure per student, tuition fees, donations, concessional loans, and own operating income.

/This section was amended by the law dated October 31, 2014 and will be enforced from January 1, 2015/

41.2. The Government will provide support and assistance in accordance with established procedures to improve the learning environment of non-state-owned educational institutions and provide them with teaching staff.

41.3. The Government shall set the standard educational expenses per student of a non-state-owned general education school every year in accordance with the tuition fees of the educational institution.

/This section was added by the law dated October 31, 2014 and will be enforced from January 1, 2015/

41.4. The government may provide support to organizations that are implementing projects and programs for Mongolian children living abroad to acquire basic skills in the fields of Mongolian language, history, customs, and culture.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 42. Learning environment of educational institutions

42.1. The buildings, equipment, and facilities of the educational institution are suitable for the work characteristics of teachers, employees, and students, meet the special needs of students with disabilities, and meet hygiene and safety requirements.

/This section was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

42.2. A pre-school or general education institution may have its own production and service units, such as repair, production, and supply of publications, information, teaching equipment, equipment, and school supplies.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

42.3. Based on the relevant laws and educational standards, the members of the Government in charge of education, health and financial issues shall coordinate the norms and standards of kindergarten, school buildings, teaching equipment, food, and student hygiene, sanitation, and safety. will be approved and implemented.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

42.4. The founder shall be responsible for providing the not-for-profit educational institution with appropriate buildings, educational equipment, textbooks, and dormitory for normal operation.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

42.5. Buildings and land of educational institutions shall be used according to their purpose.

/This section was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

42.6.Educational and training institutions shall have land for training, established in accordance with building and urban planning norms and standards.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

42.7. The meeting of representatives of the citizens of the province and the capital shall reflect the long-term planning of newly built schools and kindergartens in the land management plan of the province and the capital, and the partial general plan of the development of the city, and reserve the land owned and used by the school and kindergarten according to the size of the area that meets the requirements for the educational environment. make a decision.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

42.8. In accordance with Article 42.7 of this law, it is prohibited to acquire, use or sell the reserved land for new schools and kindergartens for other purposes.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

42.9. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the provision of dedicated buildings, training, research, industrial environments, laboratories, teaching materials, and dormitories necessary for the normal operation of higher education institutions.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 43. Participants in educational communication

social security

43.1. The teacher is provided with the following social guarantees:

43.1.1. to receive wages, additional wages, supplements, compensatory allowances, bonuses, and other benefits prescribed by law in accordance with the characteristics of work and profession;

43.1.2. The basic vacation period of teachers and employees shall be regulated by the Labor Law. Taking into account the nature of work, teachers will be given 33 working days, principals, managers, deputy principals, subject managers / training managers, subject coordinators, social workers, methodologists, practical and residential teachers, and kindergarten assistant teachers will be given 15 working days of additional leave. Other additional allowances based on length of service and working conditions specified in Articles 79.5 and 79.6 of the Labor Law do not apply to officials on vacation;

43.1.3. to get a discount loan or assistance for building or buying a house;

43.1.4. When a citizen who has worked for 25 years or more in a position specified in Article 43.1.2 of this law in a state-owned or local vocational training-production center, general education school, or kindergarten, a one-time non-returnable cash allowance calculated as his basic salary to be provided by the organization in which he works, and the required expenses shall be included in the current year’s budget;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This clause was amended by the law of January 23, 2015/

43.1.5. to provide additional salary, incentives, and other support to teachers, taking into account the characteristics of the area and remoteness from the center;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

43.1.6./This provision was considered invalid by the law of May 9, 2012/

43.1.7. Once every 5 years, the following persons will be granted a cash allowance equal to 6 months’ basic salary from the state budget through their working organization:

43.1.7.a. sum, village, team school, kindergarten head, school director, subject manager/training manager/, school social worker, boarding school teacher, non-formal education teacher, kindergarten methodologist, school librarian, school and kindergarten doctor;

/This provision shall be enforced from January 1, 2014/

43.1.7.b.sum, village, group school, kindergarten teachers and assistant teachers other than those specified in Article 43.1.7.a of this law.

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This provision was amended by the law of May 9, 2012/

43.1.8. To give the doctor and primary school teacher of the general education school the monthly increase specified in Article 7.8 of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities depending on the number of children with disabilities;

/This provision was added by the law of February 7, 2013/

/This provision was amended by the law dated February 5, 2016/

43.1.9. other guarantees provided by law.

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of February 7, 2013/

43.2. The student is provided with the following social guarantees:

43.2.1. provide boarding accommodation for orphans or students with low living standards who cannot go to school regularly from their place of residence;

43.2.2. to stay in boarding houses of general education schools, vocational education and training institutions free of charge;

/This clause was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

43.2. To arrange transportation for the student at the beginning and end of the school year and when he comes to school and back home during the semester holidays, at the expense and request of the parents and guardians, in cooperation with the school administration and local administrative organization;

43.2.4. to reduce the expenses of students who are studying in a province or city other than their place of residence twice a year, in accordance with the regulations established by the Government;

43.2.5. provide compensation equal to 50 percent of the cost of traveling by public transportation to pupils and students who need to go to school by public transportation in accordance with the procedure established by the Assembly of Representatives of the citizens of the province and the capital;

/This clause was amended by the law of May 29, 2008/

/This provision was amended by the law of September 7, 2016/

43.2.6. Discounting the cost of providing hospital, catering, cultural, artistic and household services in accordance with the regulations established by the government;

43.2.7. to discover and develop special talents and abilities of students, to encourage and support them, and to provide learning opportunities for orphans, low-income students, and disabled students;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

43.2.8. To grant loans and scholarships from the Educational Loan Fund to students and graduate students who are studying as teachers according to the order-contract of the rural districts;

/This provision was amended by the law of September 7, 2016/

43.2.9. to award scholarships named after the President and Prime Minister of Mongolia to students who have achieved outstanding academic, sports, and artistic achievements;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

43.2.10. to provide monthly stipends to students in vocational education and training institutions in accordance with the amount and procedure set by the Government;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of February 13, 2009/

43.2.11. other guarantees provided by law.

/The number of this provision was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

43.3. Discounts, compensatory allowances, scholarships, allowances, and incentives for teachers and students are equal regardless of the form of ownership.

43.4. General education school, kindergarten teachers and other employees will be given performance bonuses, and the amount of the bonus and the procedure for granting it shall be approved by the Government in accordance with Article 31.3 of the Civil Service Law.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

43.5. When a citizen who has worked for 25 years or more in a position specified in Article 3.1.15 of this law in a state or local-owned general education school or kindergarten, a one-time non-returnable cash allowance calculated from his basic salary will be provided by the organization where he works. expenses shall be included in the current year’s budget.

/This section was added by the law of May 9, 2012/

/This section was amended by the law of January 23, 2015/

43.6. The increase specified in Section 43.1.8 of this Law shall be determined in accordance with Section 28.9 of the Civil Service Law.

/This section was added by the law of February 7, 2013/

43.7. The average amount of salary for calculating one-time benefits and the criteria for providing benefits specified in Sections 43.1.4 and 43.5 of this Law shall be determined in accordance with the procedure specified in Section 30.2 of the Civil Service Law.

/This section was added by the law of January 23, 2015/


Common rights and obligations of participants in educational relations

Article 44. Teacher’s rights and duties

44.1. The teacher has the following rights:

44.1.1. to provide conditions for normal training activities;

44.1.2. selective use of textbooks and teaching materials in accordance with advanced scientific methods and educational standards;

44.1. Z. make demands and give advice to the student and his parents and guardians;

44.1.4. to evaluate the student’s knowledge, abilities, and practices, to give a description of their talents and physical and mental development;

44.1.5. select students, organize professional and in-depth training;

44.1.6. to carry out research work, to defend professional and educational degrees of teachers, to obtain professional titles;

44.1.7. file a complaint with the appropriate institution on behalf of the minor student about the parents or guardians who have harmed the child’s health and rights;

44.1.8/This trick was considered invalid by the law of December 8, 2006/

44.2. The teacher has the following duties:

44.2.1. respecting the teacher’s ethics and dignity;

44.2.2. implementation of educational standards;

44.2.3. improve theoretical knowledge, teaching methods and skills;

44.2.4. not to discriminate against students and respect their dignity;

44.2.5. recognizing the uniqueness of each student, supporting humane treatment, self-development, and personal development;

44.2.6. respect the student’s independent position and opinion;

44.2.7. to take care of the student’s health and safety.

/This section was amended by the law of December 8, 2006/

44.2.8. respect the physical and developmental characteristics of disabled students and create conditions for disabled students to be equal to others.

/This provision was added by the law dated February 5, 2016/

44.3. It is forbidden for the teacher to attack the body of the student, to put emotional pressure on them, or to reveal their personal secrets.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

44.4. The teacher shall adhere to the teacher’s code of conduct when performing his/her duties stipulated by the law.

/This part was added by the law of December 8, 2006/


Article 45. Student rights and obligations

45.1. The student has the following rights:

45.1.1. provide learning opportunities;

45.1.2. elective study from subjects not included in the curriculum;

45.1.Z. make suggestions, criticize, and make demands on issues related to school and teacher activities;

45.1.4. make proposals and decisions about the duration and form of study;

45.1.5. to receive assistance and benefits in accordance with laws and regulations;

45.1.6. unless otherwise specified in the contract, freely choose a job in the labor market according to the profession the school graduate has acquired or is interested in;

45.1.7. obtaining and monitoring information on spending and use of education fees and donations;

45.1.8. to inherit traditional culture and customs, to communicate in the native language in the school environment.

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

45.2. The student is responsible for:

45.2.1. full mastery of the content of the curriculum in time;

45.2.2. fulfill the requirements, duties and assignments given by the teacher;

45.2.3. mastering independent learning methods;

45.2.4. respecting teacher-student relationship;

45.2.5. respecting the school’s internal rules;

45.2.6. to pay tuition fees on time according to the contract.


Article 46. Rights and obligations of parents and guardians

46.1. Parents and guardians have the following rights:

46.1.1. to choose which school and in what form to study according to the appropriate procedure;

46.1.2. make suggestions and requests related to the activities of educational institutions and teachers;

46.1. Z. to get acquainted with the definitions issued by the school and teacher about the knowledge, abilities, talents, physical and mental abilities of the child.

46.2. Parents and guardians have the following obligations:

46.2.1. supporting the development of children’s talents and abilities from an early age, creating the necessary conditions for their education, cooperating with teachers, and helping children to choose their profession;

46.2.2. to fulfill the requirements set by schools and teachers in connection with ensuring the normal operation of education;

46.2.Z. not to make basic education mandatory for children until the age of 16, and not to stifle their desire and interest in learning;

46.2.4. learning methods of educating children in a family environment.

46.2.5. provide constant support, assistance and encouragement to the child in acquiring education;

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

46.2.6. getting to know the process and results of learning, development and talent development of your child.

/This provision was added by the law of April 14, 2016/

46.3. You can cooperate with an educational institution on the issues of your child’s learning, development, and development of talents and abilities.

/This part was added by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 47. Rights and obligations of enterprises and organizations

47.1. Enterprises and organizations have the following rights:

47.1.1. to give orders for training of specialists and improvement of qualifications of employees to the relevant education and training institutions, and to conclude contracts;

47.1.2. to make proposals and requirements regarding students under contracts and orders;

47.1.3. to provide education to employees and organize training to improve their qualifications;

47.1.4. To provide support and assistance in strengthening the educational institution, and to receive appropriate discounts provided by laws and regulations for sponsoring.

47.2. Enterprises and organizations have the following responsibilities:

47.2.1. according to the contract, to accept the student and provide him with conditions and opportunities for industrial practice;

47.2.2. to pay the student’s training expenses by contract or order;

47.2. Z. to provide support and assistance to the employee to learn independently and to educate his children.


Other things

Article 48. Responsibilities for violators of educational laws

48.1 Officials of public administration and educational institutions guilty of inadequate organization of basic education and failure to take appropriate measures shall be subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with laws and regulations.

48.2. Violators of the laws on education shall be subject to the following administrative penalties, unless criminal liability is imposed:

48.2.1. citizens who illegally issued, falsified, or used educational documents in violation of Article 9 of this law shall be fined a sum equivalent to one month’s minimum wage, an official shall be fined twice the minimum wage of one month, and an enterprise , the organization shall be fined an amount equal to three times the monthly minimum wage, and confiscation of false documents;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.2. in case of avoiding the fulfillment of the obligations specified in Article 47.2 of this law, a fine equal to double the monthly minimum wage;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.3. fine a person who intentionally hinders a teacher from performing his duties or insults the teacher’s reputation with a sum equal to five times the monthly minimum wage;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.4. If an educational institution without a special license specified in Article 22 of this law, and engaged in educational activities without being registered in the state register, the tuition fee will be returned to the student, a citizen will be fined an amount equal to one month’s minimum wage, and an official will be paid one month’s minimum wage. to fine an enterprise and organization equal to a tenfold increase in the amount, and to an amount equal to a twentyfold increase in the monthly minimum wage, confiscate the earned income, and stop the education and training activities;

/This provision was amended by the law dated December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.5. if the obligation specified in Article 46.2.3 of this Law is not fulfilled without valid reason, fined in the amount equal to ten times the monthly minimum wage;

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.6. teachers and employees who have physically assaulted students, subjected them to emotional pressure, forced them to give money, buy books and products, disclosed their personal secrets, received payments or fees that are not specified in the law, with an amount equal to the minimum wage of one month , fine the official with a sum equal to double the monthly minimum wage;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.7. to fine an executive officer who violates standards and requirements set for educational institutions by three times the monthly minimum wage;

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.8. if it is determined that there has been a serious violation of the management staff’s or teacher’s ethics, take measures up to the removal of the right to teach;

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.2.9. to fine an official whose funds donated to the organization are not included in the financial statement or balance sheet, or who spend them for an inappropriate purpose, in the amount of twice the minimum wage for one month.

/This provision was added by the law of December 8, 2006/

/This clause was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/

48.Z. The judge shall impose the punishment specified in Article 48. 2 of this law.

/This section was amended by the law of April 14, 2016/


Article 48. Responsibilities for violators

48.1. If the actions of officials who violate this law are not criminal, they shall be held liable as provided in the Civil Service Law.

48.2. Any person or legal entity who violates this law shall be held accountable as provided for in the Criminal Law or the Law on Violations.

48.3. If there is a serious violation of the ethics of the manager or the teacher, measures will be taken to revoke the right to teach.

/This article is stipulated to be revised by the law of December 4, 2015, and it will be enforced from July 1, 2017/
