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Information from the Law and Legal Department of Darkhan-Uul Ayam Govt

30 үзсэн

Дархан-Уул аймгийн ЗДТГ-ын Хуульзүйн хэлтсийн мэдээлэл

Report of the work carried out by the Provincial Governor’s Office in October 2016 within the framework of Law and Legal Policy:

In accordance with the directive from the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs on the annulment of legal acts that do not meet the relevant provisions of the General Law on Administration, which set administrative norms and standards, Governor’s Orders No. 223 and 271 of 2003 were annulled and submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and removed from the unified state register. Minutes of the 1st meeting of 2016 of the part-time council to arrange the disposal and disposal of confiscated items as state revenue were developed and implemented.
6 newly appointed officials received the HASKHOM, 1 official received a large change in assets and income, typed and confirmed it at the ATC MBP, and collected the HASUM of 4 officials.

The police station received 1250 calls and reports from citizens, enterprises and organizations, 200 of which were criminal, 200 of which were administrative violations, and 850 of which were investigated and resolved in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. According to the crime statistics, there are 17 cases of fraud, 3 rapes, 13 incidents involving human casualties, 31 assaults, 7 assaults, 3 robberies, 8 crimes against nature conservation, 42 thefts, 2 animal thefts, and other crimes. 50 cases of personal injury and 23 cases of other types of crimes were materialized and checked.
Roads entering and exiting Darkhan city, places where people gather in large numbers, such as wood, food and goods markets, large trade and service centers, raw materials points and residential areas in the suburbs of the city. 520 violations were detected and reported, 65 drivers were fined 365,000 MNT, 210 drivers were warned, and 170 vehicle and driver references were issued. Also, the request of 30 citizens to review camera footage was received and answered.
405 people were taken into the detention center, 174 from public places, 203 from domestic violence, 42 from drunk driving, 8 from nightclubs, 8 from other places, 8 from bars and clubs, 8 from ANB, 50 women. They protect their age, health, and belongings from threats, and the police are regularly monitored by ground surveillance cameras and physically.

“Election-Monitoring”, “Patrol Inspection”, “School Police”, “Child Traveling” campaigns and 6 events such as “Talking Time Corner” and “Night-Blacksmithing” were organized in cooperation with media organizations.
As part of the election-monitoring measures, 17 AANs investigated and detected violations of “Gyals Supermarket”, Nomgon, and Bulag stations that sold unauthorized alcohol, seized 217 alcohol and beer, and took action by imposing a fine of 450,000 MNT in accordance with relevant laws.
Within the framework of the “Patrol Inspection” event, 18 CNAs operating in the territory of the 11th team, together with the team governor, social workers and ONCA members, detected 3 violations, fined 5 people who committed a violation in GTONGazar with 25,000 tog, and arrested 1 person under the arrest warrant. action taken.
Division inspectors, team governors, social workers, and community police officers, together with the “School Police” parent patrol, inspected 85 AANBs, found 5 violations, fined 115,000 MNT, and arrested 2 violators. Mobile and foot patrol officers went to 115 calls and handed over 42 people to their family guardians, took 45 people to the detention center, handed over 15 people who were incapacitated to the hospital, and took action by fining 10 violators 50,000 MNT.
As part of the “Harvest 2016” event, mobile patrols were deployed in the Tsaidm Valley of Hongor Soum, 256 vehicles were inspected, 125 violations were detected, 42 drivers were fined 979,000 MNT, 86 drivers were given warnings and reminders, and guidelines for the “Traffic Safety – Illegal Transportation” 1-month campaign were issued to road transport. In cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation, inspections were organized in stages, 2,713 vehicles were inspected, 577 violations were detected, and 429 drivers were fined 13,650,000 MNT. 23 drivers were identified and measures were taken.