Хүртээмжийн тохиргоо

  • Өндөр ялгаралтай
  • Заагчийн хэмжээ томруулах
  • Үсгийн хэмжээ томруулах
  • Мөр хоорондын зай нэмэх
  • Үсэг хоорондын зай нэмэх

Implementation of Orders from the Emergency Meeting on January 21, 2019

25 үзсэн

Date: January 21, 2019
Number: 01
Location: Darkhan-Uul Province

No. Given Order Responsible Person Implementation
1. Coordinate with the veterinary department to establish a veterinary office. KHBTKH The veterinary office has been established. A working group from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MFALI) came and handed it over to the Agricultural Department and the Veterinary Department.
2. There are discrepancies in the livestock census data. Therefore, to prevent livestock diseases and difficulties due to weather conditions this spring, sum authorities should conduct a sampling-based census. According to the end of 2018 livestock census, a total of 306,014 livestock were counted, converted to sheep units. (Darkhan sum: 68.3 thousand, Orkhon sum: 41.8 thousand, Khongor sum: 165.3 thousand, Sharyn Gol sum: 30.6 thousand). The monitoring of domestic animals was done by sampling up to 10% of the total livestock.
3. Burn and dispose of the confiscated meat in the sums. The confiscated meat has been disposed of through burning.
4. Monitor public catering establishments and places selling meat and meat products. The Professional Inspection Agency is conducting inspections and monitoring activities.
5. Accelerate the 2019 tender process. Announce procurement urgently, and work on the design and estimate with the selected companies. Ensure the tender process is legal, fair, and transparent. Tenders for 14 projects funded by the state and local budgets for 2019 have been announced on the “State Procurement Electronic System.” Relevant materials have been submitted to ONUG for tender announcements. On January 23, tender materials for 3 projects were submitted to ONUG for contractor selection.
6. Begin the administrative work of the sports complex building on January 21, 2019. The Disaster Management Council of the aimag, KHBTKH, NBH, GHHBG, and related professional organizations will inspect the construction activities and issue orders with deadlines. NBH The administrative work of the sports complex building began on January 21, 2019. The Disaster Management Council of the aimag, KHBTKH, NBH, GHHBG, and related professional organizations inspected the construction activities and issued orders with deadlines.
7. Reduce up to 5 points from the leadership performance evaluation in the 2018 performance agreements with the aimag Governor for 21 schools, kindergartens, and cultural institutions that overspent their budgets. Investigate legal measures with the State Audit Manager. The leadership performance evaluation points have been reduced by up to 5 points in the 2018 performance agreements with the aimag Governor for 21 budget overspent schools, kindergartens, and cultural institutions. Legal measures are being investigated with the State Audit Manager.
8. A major event “60th Anniversary of Atriin” will be held. Sum authorities should prepare and present their plans. Khongor sum ZDTG

Reviewed by:
Head of the State Administrative Management Department P. Bayarsaikhan

Compiled by:
State Administrative Management Department Specialist Ya. Gerelsukh