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Implementation of the Orders from the Emergency Meeting on October 8, 2018

21 үзсэн

Date: October 11, 2018
Number: 31
Location: Darkhan-Uul Province

No. Given Order Responsible Person Implementation
1. The First Deputy Mayor of Changwon City, South Korea, will visit our province from October 16-19, 2018. In relation to this, a yurt will be erected on October 17, 2018. NUA Preparations have been completed according to the approved program.
2. Orkhon sum is auditing a fence worth 29 million MNT and must construct a new fence in its place. The members of the working group must monitor this process. STS Head B. Jargalsaikhan should provide guidance, check if my order complies with the law, and review the minutes from the provincial commission, offering professional recommendations as needed. STS Legal documents for decommissioning and destroying local property have been reviewed, and guidance has been provided for the assets submitted for decommissioning.
3. The Governor’s order was to ensure the implementation of the “ABLE” system. This task has not been handled responsibly, so I took responsibility to normalize it within 2-3 weeks. There are several documents in TZUH and 18 documents in HEZH, of which 11 have not been reviewed. From next week, I will ensure regular usage and revise the internal regulations of the Governor’s Office to include the use of the “ABLE” program. TZUH Weekly usage reports of the “ABLE” system are being prepared for each staff member and submitted to the Office Manager. Specialists are instructed to familiarize themselves with documents and consistently use the “ABLE” system in their work.
4. Resolve the usage of the “ABLE” program in agencies, state organizations, and sum Governor’s Offices. There are issues with internet connectivity. The IT department controls a significant fiber optic network. Inform the contractor to ensure the “ABLE” program operates in an offline environment, or we will not make payments. State work must proceed without needing an internet connection by ensuring proper internal network fiber optic connections. Darkhan-Uul province is lagging behind other provinces in using this program. It must be fully operational province-wide by mid-2019. ITA Over 677 users from more than 100 state organizations in Darkhan-Uul province use the “ABLE” system. Budget calculations for maintenance and repairs of the unified state network have been prepared. Agreement must be reached with the contractor regarding the offline module or access to the system’s source code. Budget for this is not included in the current collaboration agreement. Three official letters have been sent to Able Soft Company to address issues and necessary improvements. A meeting is planned in October to finalize updates for this year. The ITA, in collaboration with BSEC, assists kindergarten and school staff in using the system, creates user accounts, and provides training to interested organizations.
5. Inadequate reporting on “ABLE” usage. (For example, names with remaining documents are shown, but names without remaining documents are not. Information on tasks completed and properly executed should be visible. Therefore, the total number of documents and the remaining documents must be reported.) TZUH Comprehensive usage reports of the “ABLE” program are now being prepared and submitted to the Office Manager.
6. The evaluation system needs improvement and a formula. The number of students in a school should correlate with the average score of 11. Discuss with BSEC and understand their methodology. QACD No implementation report submitted.

Reviewed by:

Governor S. Nasaanbat

Checked by:

Head of the State Administrative Management Department P. Bayarsaikhan

Compiled by:

State Administrative Management Department Specialist Ya. Gerelsukh